Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Former Spice Girl Melanie Brown, has given birth to a girl in a California hospital, her publicist said on Tuesday. The girl, Brown's second child, was born at 12:11 a.m. local time on Monday at St John's Hospital in Santa Monica. "The baby is completely healthy with a good head of hair. No name has been decided on yet, and she is purely known as Baby Brown," the publicist added in a statement.Mother and baby were now resting but face a looming paternity battle. Brown says Hollywood actor Eddie Murphy is the father, a claim he disputes. Brown, who performed under the name Mel B and was nicknamed Scary Spice, already has an 8-year-old daughter, Phoenix Chi, by ex-husband Jimmy Gulzar.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Spice Girl Mel B. Has Shower

Mel B has hosted a lavish baby shower in Beverly Hills.The former Spice Girl - who is due to give birth to her second child next month - threw the party for 30 guests at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Friday. Guests were treated to champagne and a cake in the shape of a woman's pregnant stomach clad in an edible leopard-print loin cloth. Mel began the day by getting ready with close friends in a bungalow at the hotel, before joining her guests in a private room by the tennis courts.The 31-year-old refused to let her acrimonious split with Eddie Murphy spoil her day, even though he is still demanding a paternity test before he accepts the child is his. Eddie's new girlfriend Tracey Edmonds has insisted he will play a role in the child's upbringing if he is the father.Tracey said: "Without me getting too deep into it, they had a quick relationship before I got together with Eddie. So that's their business.There'll be a paternity test and if it is his then he will be responsible."In December, Eddie was asked about his relationship with Mel and her pregnancy. He angrily replied: "We're not together anymore. And I don't know whose child that it, until it comes out and has a blood test. You shouldn't jump to conclusions, sir."

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Monday, January 29, 2007


Eddie Murphy avoided the London premiere of 'Dreamgirls' because he was scared of Mel B fans, it has been alleged.The 'Nutty Professor' star won the Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe for his role in the film, but didn't promote the movie in the UK because he didn't want to be confronted by Spice Girls fans angry at the way he dumped pregnant Mel B. A source told the New York Daily News newspaper: "London is her turf, and Eddie knows Mel has a loyal fan base. He's afraid the UK's reaction to him won't be good because of what he did to her."The 45-year-old actor publicly dumped six-months-pregnant Mel on a Dutch talk show and has demanded a paternity test to prove he is the father of her baby. A spokesman for Eddie said: "He very much wanted to come to the UK premiere. Eddie not attending the UK premiere of 'Dreamgirls' had nothing to do with Ms. Brown or anything else. He was looking forward to going."The Golden Globe winner's representative said obligations to his film,'Norbit', which is released in the US on February 9, prevented him from attending the London premiere of 'Dreamgirls'. A spokesman for Mel B said: "The reason that the whole issue has been so public is because Eddie, for reasons best known to him, decided to discuss his relationship with Melanie in the media. Melanie had no idea that he was speaking to the media, so the whole thing was a terrible shock."

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Monday, January 08, 2007


Mel B is under 24-hour police guard after suffering abuse from aggressive Eddie Murphy fans.The former Spice Girl - who is seven months pregnant with what she claims to be the actor's child - has been barraged daily with insults from obsessive fans, who have set up a hate camp outside her Los Angeles home. Mel - who was recently dumped by the 'Dr. Dolittle' star during an interview on Dutch TV - feels so intimidated, she is planning to move out of the house, which she shares with her seven-year-old daughter Phoenix Chi. A source told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "Her life is being made intolerable by Eddie's fans. They shout insults and give her abuse all the time. The police have decided to place an officer outside to keep an eye on things."Since their bitter break-up, Eddie has demanded a paternity test to prove he really is the father of the singer's unborn child. Mel was recently reported to be planning to announce the DNA test results on live television to take revenge on the 'Beverly Hills Cop' actor.

The Spice Girls

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Friday, January 05, 2007


Mel B is planning to reveal results of her baby's paternity test on live TV. The former Spice Girl is reportedly determined to get revenge on her former lover, actor Eddie Murphy, who dumped her during an interview on Dutch television at the end of last year. After the split, the 'Dr Dolittle' actor said he would be demanding a DNA test to confirm he is the father of Mel's unborn child, due to be born inMarch. Jilted Mel is determined to have the last laugh by revealing the results to the entire world. A source told Britain's Daily Star newspaper: "When she does have the DNA test to prove Murphy is the father, she will spill the beans on American TV. And she'll see how Eddie likes it with the boot in the other foot."Mel - who started dating Eddie in June last year - apparently decided to take revenge on her former lover after being encouraged to do so by her friends and family.The source added: "All Mel's female friends have rallied round and told her she should remember that revenge is best served cold and they told her she should name and shame him on national TV."

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